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International Conference and Summer School on Extended Arts - XARTS2023

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 12 Μάιος 2023 08:46
από SyrosDDSD
International Conference and Summer School on Extended Arts - XARTS2023
Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering
1 Jul 2023 to 9 Jul 2023

Co-organised by the Interactive Systems Design Lab (University of the Aegean) and CITU - PARAGRAPHE (University of Paris 8) in the framework of the European University ERUA

Organizing Scientific Committee
Maurice Benayoun, Professor, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong
Khaldoun Zreik, Professor, Director of Paragraphe Lab, University of Paris 8
Panagiotis Kyriakoulakos, Assistant Professor, University of the Aegean
Modestos Stavrakis, Assistant Professor, University of the Aegean

The International Conference and Summer School on Extended Arts celebrates 10 years since its first edition with a Call for Papers on the History and Praxis of Computer Animation and a Call for Projects that will be implemented as prototypes during the intensive workshops of XARTS 2023.
XARTS 2023 International Conference proposes an overview of the History and Praxis of Computer Animation in a two-day symposium preceding the Summer School on Extended Arts.
We invite Scholars and Experienced Professionals to contribute with recent research to the following topics:
Computer Animation before 2000 (USA, France, UK, Japan): Computer Animation History was conditioned by early developments in Computer Graphics Science and Industry. Applications of Computer Animation in Art, Cinema, Entertainment, and the Media are of interest in this session. Global evaluations of the evolution of Computer Animation in pioneering countries. such as the ones mentioned in the session's announcement, are welcome. The impact of the technology in the development of creative industries.in those countries should be in focus in these contributions.
This is not a Lamp: Pixar's Impact in Computer Animation: We celebrate in 2023 100 years since the foundation of Disney Studios in the USA. In this session we would like to enlighten their contribution in the development of Computer Animation, especially in relation with their cooperation with, and finally the acquisition of Pixar. Which creative and economic reasons guided Disney's and Pixar's choices and how their cooperation impacted the global community of Computer Animation, are the main subjects to investigate in this session.
Pioneering Immersive Works (rides, interactivity, large screens):.Applications of Computer Animation in immersive and interactive screens take various forms, inspired by earlier experiments on panoramas and stereoscopic screens without the use of computers. We invite in this session creators and directors of immersive works to describe the challenges they experienced and the solutions they found to respond to these challenges.
The Road to Interactivity: Curators, Pioneers, Experiments: A large part of Computer Animation Artworks belong to the Interactive Corpus. We are interested in the evolution of the work of the same artist or the same group of artists over a life period, focusing on the changes in their practice due to the adoption of interactive techniques. What they consider as achievements in their work and why, would be an important contribution to understand their work.
Driven by Art and Culture- The Story of 3D Computer Animation in Greece: A special session is dedicated to tell the story of 3D Computer Animation in Greece. Experienced Artists and Directors are invited to report on the challenges of producing computer animation in Greece. Which techniques, what subjects went in production, and why, are among the questions we should answer in this session. A special attention will be given to report on pioneering and innovative works for artistic and cultural purposes.

XARTS 2023 Summer School proposes intensive workshops on new media technologies for artistic projects. Using mainly open-source software, implementing interactive systems and advanced embodiment interfaces, artists may design integrated works of art. Participants in the Summer School are invited to propose an idea or concept for such an integrative artistic project. During the Summer School the participant's project will be implemented as a working prototype. To propose their concept, applicants should upload, to the online application form of XARTS 2023, a design document explaining the concept, content summary, interface, interactivity, and technical requirements, as well as the audience targeted with this work.
A template is available for the design document via XARTS 2023 Administration email (xarts2023@aegean.gr). Project Proposals are anyway accepted in any concise form. You do not have to use the template if you have already a nice presentation of your project.
XARTS in the Class: Presentation and Selection of Projects for the Workshops: During the last session of the symposium, the projects selected for prototyping will be presented by their promoters, and creative teams will be formed for their implementation during intensive workshops.
Important Dates
Call for presentations / participations: 12 April 2023
Submission deadline: 1 June 2023
Notification of acceptance: 8 June2023
Registration deadline: 15 June 2023
Conference dates: 1-2 July 2023 (on site only)
Workshops dates: 3-9 July 2023
How to Submit
All Conference and Summer School Participants must apply via the official Application Form section of XARTS 2023 website:
https://summer-schools.aegean.gr/Summer ... ion-Form-4.
You will need to upload a short CV (there is no template for that) and a document containing your contribution (optional).
Intended Conference contributors must ask first for the Abstract template via the official XARTS 2023 Administration email: xarts2023@aegean.gr
Intended Summer School Project Proposers may ask for the XARTS 2023 Design Document template (optional) via the official XARTS 2023 Administration email: xarts2023@aegean.gr
How to Register in case of acceptance
Your Application will be evaluated by the Scientific Organizing Committee.
In case of acceptance you will receive a formal notification to register. The amount of registration fees will be also indicated in the acceptance message (200, 100, or 0 euros depending on your affiliation to ERUA Universities and/or Grant Approval).
Your Registration will be effective only with payment of Registration Fees before the deadline provided by the Administration of XARTS 2023. In case of non acceptance of your application you will receive a refusal message to your email.
More information available through: xarts2023@aegean.gr

Information on Past editions
XARTS 2013: https://summer-schools.aegean.gr/XARTS2013
Link to XARTS 2013 video report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0nCHG5dU2Y&t=75s
XARTS 2015: https://summer-schools.aegean.gr/XARTS2015
Link to XARTS 2015 video report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iAHgPAKh5I&t=12s
XARTS 2017: https://summer-schools.aegean.gr/XARTS2017
Link to XARTS 2015 Motion Capture Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3UHgIHWyxM&t=84s
Link to XARTS 2015 Student Project Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiDYtuJiKg4&t=40s